
Some recent...


Built as part of Microverse's full stack development program, this project is the implementation of a design by Vlad Ermakov, from Fireart Studio.

Bootstrap with custom breakpoints is used extensively, re-arranging the content with its responsible break-points and changing margins and paddings accordingly.The project styling is done through SASS, organized in modularized units.

Check it out on github

How long will my bus take? Discover in Telegram sending a message to @bus-statuses-bot

This Telegram bot connects to SPTrans API to estimate the arrival times for a given Bus Line at an specific Bus Stop in the city of São Paulo.

Check it out on github

This project explores problems such as authentication, self-referential tables and scopes in a classic social network app.

Built in partnership with Julio Añoveros

Check it out on github


  • Python
  • Ruby
  • JavaScript
  • SQL


  • React
  • Ruby on Rails
  • Bootstrap
  • RSpec
  • PostGIS


  • UNIX
  • Git
  • Heroku
  • AWS


  • Architecture
  • Philosophy
  • Software Development
03A litter more...

About Me

Pursuing a transdisciplinary education, I think about skills as tools to build projects with , instead of just taking them at their face value.

My interests are multiple but never scattered: this stance supports learning how to learn and aids at dealing with challenges creatively.

Download my Resume